Patrons: You must be at least 18 years of age, in some jurisdictions 21 or older, and you must digitally certify that you are legally able to view the content within this site. You may not presently reside in a community, locale, area, county, state or country where ADULT MATERIAL IS SPECIFICALLY PROHIBITED BY LAW. You personally do not find sexually-oriented images (still or moving) and/or audio of consenting adults who may or may not be engaging in sexual acts, to be objectionable and therefore personally offensive. At all times you have the ability to stop receiving, viewing and/or possessing sexually-oriented images (still or moving) and/or audio Internet content material from this Web Site by simply logging off, eliminating any browser bookmark references and remaining permanently disconnected to this Web Site. You have voluntarily chosen to view, receive and/or possess sexually-explicit images (still or moving) and/or audio Internet content material for your own personal usage and that you intend to receive, view, and/or possess this sexually-oriented material in the privacy of your home on your own personal home computer, or in a place or time where there will not be either Minors (defined as those persons below the age of 21 years ) or Other Persons who may be personally offended by having been exposed to this sexually-oriented adult material. You also agree that any sexually-oriented Internet material such as images (still or moving) and/or audio content which you receive, view and/or possess arising from this Web Site, is not construed by You or Other Persons to be either illegal, obscene or offensive. Further, you will not distribute or make available this Web Site either in part or whole to Other Persons or Minors not otherwise entitled by these Terms and Conditions for Entering this Web Site. You release the Author(s), Owner(s), Agent(s), Assign(s) and Service Provider(s) of this sexually-oriented Web Site from all present or future liability, claims, losses, expenses, damages, or costs ( including psychiatrist, medical, Court and lawyer fees) which might arise as a result of your having logged on to this Web Site and thereby having participated in the use of any information or service contained herein. Before entering this Web Site you will be entirely familiar with the Standards of Decent and Moral Behavior prevailing in your Local Community, City, State, and Country. You therefore will be entirely familiar and In Compliance with the Laws and Regulations of your Local Community, City, State and Country as regards receiving, viewing, and/or possessing explicit sexually-oriented images (still or moving) and/or audio Internet content material and will otherwise hold harmless the Author(s), Owner(s), Agent(s), Assign(s) and Service Provider(s) as to your Compliance with the Laws and Regulations of your Local Community, City, State and Country. Furthermore, You also digitally certify that the explicit sexually-oriented images (still or moving) and/or audio content Internet material herein presented by this Web Site is not considered as either illegal, obscene or offensive in your Local Community, City, State and Country. You are prohibited from duplicating, copying, and/or distributing to a Third Party in part or whole any of the elements of the contents of this Web Site, including, but not limited to, images, audio, buttons, and web layout display. You agree to not overcome any access and/or security feature of this Web Site as this will be deemed tantamount to theft of intellectual property; If for some reason you do access or bookmark this Web Site in such a manner or fashion as to by-pass this page, “Warning: This Site for Consenting Adults Only!”, this computer action on your part will constitute an implicit acceptance of Terms and Conditions for Entering this Web Site herein stipulated; You further digitally attest that you are not now engaged or employed by any Local, State or Federal law enforcement agency, including US Postal Official or other Law Enforcement Agent or acting as an agent thereof, attempting to obtain any evidence for the prosecution of any Individual or Corporation in receiving, viewing and/or possessing images (still or moving) and/or audio Internet content from this Web Site for the purpose of entrapment and/or misrepresentation to this Web Site, its Author(s), Owner(s), Agent(s), Assign(s), and Service Provider(s), as to your true and honest intent in logging on to this Web Site. By entering into this Web Site You digitally certify that you are not engaged or employed in the adult X-rated, entertainment industry, either as Principal or Agent, and that your sole purpose for entering this Web Site is purely for personal enjoyment and entertainment and further that your purpose upon entering this Web Site is not to pursue possible legal actions in regards copyright infringement(s) as every effort is made by this Web Site to have either original copyrighted material available or to have made prior copyright arrangements with the original legal owners of such material. By clicking the ENTER button below you give your Digital Signature In Agreement to these Terms and Conditions and you thereby agree to having understood all of the foregoing terms herein stipulated. Otherwise by clicking the EXIT button before ever having entered into this Web Site, it is hereby known to all Parties (Author, Owner, Agent, Assign, and Service Provider) that there never was nor is there any type of Contractual Agreement implied or explicit between this Web Site and its related Author(s), Owner(s), Agent(s), Assign(s), and Service Provider(s), and You, yourself. By Clicking “Enter” You so digitally sign you are over the age of 18 or 21 in some areas of the country and are not offended by “Adult Content”